Performance Management  

Performance Management  can be approached in many different ways.

We like to start by working with the person to understand their world (not sure world is the correct word) in sport and approach towards life in general.

Once we have a clear understanding of the person’s goals and reasons to excel, we work with them to create a path, which will help them to achieve those goals.

We believe that if you work with us, we can convince you to change the necessary behaviour(s) to bring you the success you desire.

Sustainable change emerges when you are empowered to deliver your best when it matters most. We build this sustainable change on three solid foundations: Rational Thinking, Challenging Goals, and Sustained Effort and Reflection.

Rational Thinking

When we think rationally about our objectives, we strip away others’ expectations, others’ demands, and others’ criticisms. We work to help you focus on what you think, what’s real and how to deal with other people, rationally.

We help you think for yourself, openly and honestly. We help you to see how certain thoughts disrupt and destroy great talent.  

We will enable you to think in ways that empower rather than deny your capabilities.

Challenging Goals

It’s almost impossible to achieve success without a clear picture of how you are going to achieve success. You need a road map to get you from where you are now to your successful destination. Without a challenging goal, set each day, your motivation and enthusiasm will wane and you will not realise your true potential. Goals are the fuel you need to achieve in sport, business and life.

Sustained Effort and Reflection

Effort is everything.

Effort is also an under rated relative to ability, which is often over rated. We work with you to develop strategies to continue giving sustained effort but also, we help you to reflect on your effort to determine whether another strategy would work better.

We are all wise enough to appreciate that we need help and advice from time to time. By reflecting on our practice, we learn to be more efficient and more effective with our time.

Performance Management

Performance Management